• Cube Farm

    You thought this was a post about getting out of the cube farm, huh? You thought this was another post hocking my About.com site or recommending Michelle Goodman’s Anti 9-5 book?

    This is actually my most solid visual memory of my 31 years (9/11, getting a call from my husband, learning the news, hearing gasps and standing up to look over my cube wall): an entire floor of drab grey cubes, with people standing up and looking about, looking at each other, stretching phone cords, and open mouths. I have never seen a piece of news spread as fast as that one minute, and I have never had a visual like that one stick in my brain. Like everyone else, there is a division in my life’s timeline of before that instant and after that instant.

One Responseso far.

  1. Hi Allena, Thank you for your reflection on that day. I was working at home in Seattle, with my 2 young children as a stay home Dad, at that time. Previous to that painful act I had forseen major “setbacks” for our “system”. That is the only way I could have taken the following days and months in stride. Now, 7 years later, we are hit with a major setback of our own making; the financial systems crisis. I am offering friends the simple advice that it’s time for Americans to simplify our lives as quickly as possible because the initeria of excessive consumption will be damaging to our standard of living for years to come.


    Joseph in Seattle