• Chavez & Latino-Centric Events in Lansing March #Lansinglatinos


    Upcoming Chavez and other Community Events of Special Interest to Lansing’s Latinos #lansinglatinos

    March is always a packed month in Lansing!

    Following is an attempt at a comprehensive list of events celebrating the legacy of César E. Chávez, along with events that are of particular note or interest to the Hispanic/Latino community. These are events that are known to be open to the interested public.

    This list was compiled from emails, websites, Facebook events and more, and is made with particular thanks to the MSU Office of Inclusion, the Cafecito Caliente Blog, the Julian Samora Research Institute, the Lansing for César E. Chávez committee, Cristo Rey Catholic Church, Michigan United and ACTION of Greater Lansing. In addition, it is thanks to the notes/emails of Dr. MJ Garcia, Dr. Nino Rodriguez and Andrea Rodriguez.

    Corrections to Allena@GardenWallPublications.com or in the comments, please!

    Friday, 3/14

    Chávez Day Community Celebration


    LCC, Dart Auditorium

    Contact/Register: http://www.inclusion.msu.edu/Outreach/CesarChavez.html or Felipe Lopez, lopezf@lcc.edu


    Chávez Community Leadership Luncheon


    MSU, Kellogg Center


    http://www.inclusion.msu.edu/Outreach/CesarChavez.html or call Ignacio Andrade 517-353-3129


    Chávez Student Leadership Conference


    MSU, Kellogg Center

    Contact/Register: http://www.inclusion.msu.edu/Outreach/CesarChavez.html or call Ignacio Andrade 517-353-3129


    Working meeting to bring “César Chávez” movie to Lansing

    Private working group/details forthcoming


    Saturday, 3/15

    Engaging in the Community for Reform


    Cristo Rey Church

    Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/673450642698153/

    Aida, 517-348-6263 or Andrea, 517-488-9348


    Friday, 3/21

    MI Latino/a Statewide Summit “Improving Health and Healthcare for MI Latinos”


    MSU, Kellogg Center

    Register: http://events.outreach.msu.edu/Registrations/Register/68

    Info: Anita Garza 517-432‑1317


    Saturday, 3/22

    Día de la Mujer (Women’s Day) Conference


    MSU, Kellogg Center


    http://ddlm.ocat.msu.edu/ or call Maria Serrato 517-353-7745


    3/24-3/28 (week of)

    Chávez Collection Exhibit

    Library Hours

    MSU, Library

    Contact: Diana Rivera at dianar@msu.edu


    Wednesday, 3/26

    Lansing Bus Tour Stop, Fast For Families Across America Call for Immigration Reform

    Time and Location TBD

    Info: http://fast4families.org/


    Chávez Blood Drive Challenge


    MSU, Union

    Contact/Register: https://msuinclusion.wufoo.com/forms/cesar-Chavez-registration/

    or Elias Lopez- eliaslopez@alsame.org


    Friday, 3/28

    City of Lansing Chávez Memorial Observance


    City Hall, City Council Chambers,

    Contact: Guillermo Lopez, Guillermo.Lopez@lansingmi.gov,



    “César Chávez” (movie) release date

    Nearest showing to Lansing (at print): Celebration Cinema RiverTown, including $20 “special premiere event.”

    Info: https://celebrationcinema.com/location/005


    Latin Explosionar “Celebration of Culture and Dance”


    The Firm (nightclub), Lansing Downtown

    Info: 810-223-2120


    Saturday, 3/29

    Lansing for César E. Chávez Dinner & Dance


    UAW #652, 426 Clare St.

    Info: Corina Salinaz csalina@michfb.com and http://LansingforCesarEChavez.org/

    Tickets: Santos Gutierrez, 517-483-9962, Miguel Sauceda, 517-528-7106, or Diane Hernandez Wojda, 517-896-5398


    Sunday, 3/30

    Chávez Peace Rally for Human Dignity and Immigrant Rights


    Lansing, MI Capitol Building, Downtown

    Info: Aida Cuadrado, 517-348-6263

    and Lorenzo Lopez, 517-894-3416


    Monday, 3/31

    Chávez Blood Drive (sponsored by the San Juan

    Diego Knights of Columbus Council #15417)


    Cristo Rey Church.

    Appointments: Rudy Reyes 517-420-1064 (walk ins ok as time permits)

    Info: RedCrossBlood.org Keyword Cristo Rey


    Official Chávez Day, Holiday or Observance (varies by state)



    4/7 Tech en La Casa Graduation (CRCC/MSU)

    4/9-4/19 MSU’s “Latin Is America” Festival

    4/17 ALSAME Youth Conference

    4/18 Stations of the Cross Reenactment Cristo Rey Church, Downtown to CRCC

    5/4 Lugnuts Latino Night with Cafecito Caliente

    5/23-25 Cristo Rey Fiesta 2014


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