Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • The Unpleasant Need to Set the Record Straight

    Posted on 2011/07/14 by Allena Tapia in Uncategorized.

    Well, I have my first unhappy contractor. It’s been 6 years of hiring writers and translators from all over the world, though, so I shouldn’t complain too much. And I won’t. I do, however, have to set the record straight. I owe one contractor $150. The due date was Monday. The contractor began dragging my […]

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  • Website Refresh!

    Posted on 2011/06/20 by Allena Tapia in Uncategorized.

    Well, my Masters program is done for a while, and my project list is cleaned out, invoiced, and in the waiting stages. This has left me with some much-needed free time to work on this website and blog, which has been in the middle of a redesign for too long. In addition, I’ve been able […]

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  • Teaching About Writing

    Posted on 2011/02/27 by Allena Tapia in Uncategorized.

    My newest endeavor is teaching freshman writing at Michigan State University, and this explicit discourse about writing, making copy and inventing text has done wonderful things for my professional writing. Questions about writing force me to reflect on my processes in a way that I’ve not done before, and these processes are then solidified more […]

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