• NaNoWriMo Spiel

    Apparently I’ve accidentally ensconced myself in the middle of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which is fine. It all started last summer, when I had one of those mind-numbing What If moments while at my in-laws ranch in Mexico. What if, what if, and I couldn’t help it, I wrote it on the backs of papers, in a journal notebook, and on envelopes and napkins throughout the country, and back on the airplane. It all came from one magical What If?

    But the novel has been sadly set aside for paying writer jobs between now and then, which is understandable and fine.

    However, a couple days before Halloween, I had this dream about my novel that simply knocked the wind out of me, and I’ve been writing it ever since. So, I am an unofficial NaNoWriMo novelist. I say unofficial because, well, you have to start a book from scratch to be official, and because I haven’t signed up!:) 


    In honor, some great NaNo posts:


One Responseso far.

  1. Tamara says:

    Yay Allena!

    I’m finding myself ridiculously neglecting my actual paid writing to focus on my novel.

    Case in point: I spent six hours in a coffee shop today catching up on all the freelance work I put aside this week in favor of my NaNoWriMo writing. I eventually had to stop because my hands were cramping from all the frantic writing, and I spent the better part of the afternoon walking around with rigid claws for hands.

    I’m excited to see how your novel proceeds. 🙂