• What’s Making You Stupid?

    Ok, lol, this should be titled What’s making me so stupid? I complained last week about my sudden inability to find simple words, and asked via this poll about what my fellow writers think writer’s block really is.

    One recent example: my husband and I were sitting around in marital bliss- typing away at 10:30 at night on our respective laptops- when I was writing some suggestions to a client. I wanted to tell him that each cover letter in his Press Kit should be tailored to the outlet to which he is sending it. I couldn’t think of the word tailored! Neither could my husband. We sat there with the word “individualized” sitting in our brains (which I didn’t want to use with my London client, spell funky, and etc) and simply could not move our brains past it. You know, we do live in a restored 100 year old Queen Anne house, so perhaps we’re just inhaling too much lead.

    Anyway, I happened upon this article at Atlantic Monthly, which says that it’s Google making us dumb. Well, actually, it says that Google, and the internet in general, is hindering our ability to undertake deep, sustained reading and thinking tasks.

    Uh oh.

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