• OMG I’ve GOT It!

    Ok, so I know some of my About.com readers hate the use of internet expressions such as the above (lol), but I have just had a revelation best represented by OMG, my religious non-beliefs notwithstanding. . .

    Recall that I’ve been complaining incessantly about writer’s block and the inability to think of simple words…? Sometimes my brain felt as if I had taken too much cold medicine…

    Well, I recently started reading my favorite book of all time (no, my favorite story, because that’s what it is, a delicious, rambling, shuffling story)- One Hundred years of Solitude by Gabo Garcia Marquez. I turn to it whenever I get a chance- bedtime, or even just one moment, and each time I do, I have the hardest time putting it down.

    But, my realization is that ever since I started reading it again– reading for pleasure again– my mind seems to have become re-greased.

    How happy am I?

    /End self diagnosis.

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