• So…I was just hiding in my closet…

    I absolutely had to call a client out in LA today. I didn’t have a choice. I try to keep my phone calls on Tues and Thurs, which are GardenWall’s main workdays, as my 4 year old and 7 year old are in childcare those days this summer. However, I had to make sure I got this particular account. It’s a large ad agency, and honestly, I hope to wow the heck out of them and be hired again.

    So, I timed it like this: Here, Spongebob is on at 3:30… In LA that would be 12:30. So perhaps this particular client was out to lunch and I could really quickly slip away and leave him a quickie voicemail. I even took the kids for a long (hot) bike ride so they’d be ready to chill out and fall under the squeaky sponge’s spell.

    Well, sure enough, (many of you moms know whats happening here), my son’s spidey senses went off. Most preschoolers come with this mechanism that emits an alarm sound in their head when mommy gets on the phone…So he comes wandering over, talking very very loudly about the dogs least appetizing habit…which includes the words bum and other interesting colloquialisms.

    Of course, I hear him coming and panic just as the client picks up his phone! (Hello, don’t you people do power lunching over there on the West Coast?)

    I panic, and look around…can’t close the door to the office…that’s like a big fluorescent sign that says Come over here and bang on me loudly! So, I do what any sane writer would do…I dive into the closet, while talking to my client and securing the account.

    I closed the door and heard my four year old wander into the office and…whew…wander back out when he couldn’t find me.

    I completed the phone call in the pitch dark, sitting on a pile of shoes.

    Only 5 more days until school starts….

4 Responsesso far.

  1. Lynn says:

    I soooooooooooooo understand where you’re coming from. The smart aleck in me wants to ask if the client was GLBT, considering where you were talking…. LOL

  2. Liz says:

    Oh, that’s just too funny. My favorite hiding place was always behind the shower curtain in the spare bathroom. 🙂

  3. Carolyn Erickson says:

    This is so funny! Especially the part about the client actually answering the phone! Why can’t they do that when your little dear is down for a nap or absorbed in some activity and you really WANT them to answer??? 🙂


  4. Carolyn Erickson says:

    Allena, I tried to post before – Anyway, you are so funny! This probably resembles the situations a lot of writing moms are in. But you wrote it in such an entertaining way.:D