Category Archives: For clients

Posts for clients

  • Question of the Month

    Posted on 2012/01/16 by Allena Tapia in For clients, Jobs and opportunities.

    A potential client (who is in the beginning stages of a very interesting start up/expansion) has asked that I answer the Question of the Month here on the inter-webs. Here is HyperInk’s Question of the Month, along with my answer. What Do You Think Is the Future of Publishing? We’re in the thick of publishing’s […]

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  • Consultation Services Just Added

    Posted on 2011/09/14 by Allena Tapia in For clients, For fellow writers, Freelance world, Jobs and opportunities.

    Due to popular demand (or, really strong suggestions from current and former LCC students), I’ve added consulting to my list of services. Many of my former students want hand-holding in social media set-up or business start-up procedures, while many of my visitors at ask for one-on-one training in launching the freelance career. So, this […]

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  • Freelance Writing Jobs

    Posted on 2011/07/27 by Allena Tapia in For clients, For fellow writers, Jobs and opportunities, Scheduling.

    Well, many of my readers know that I am recently done with a four-week teaching assignment with the Upward Bound program at Michigan State University. Although I absolutely adored some of my students, who had ambition, drive and strong, sparkling personalities, I am happy to be back to my freelance writing. In that vein, I’ve […]

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