Today I’m participating in a mass blogging! WOW! Women On Writing has gathered a group of blogging buddies to write about family relationships. Why family relationships? We’re celebrating the release of Therese Walsh’s debut novel today. The Last Will of Moira Leahy, (Random House, October 13, 2009) is about a mysterious journey that helps a woman learn more about herself and her twin, whom she lost when they were teenagers. Visit The Muffin to read what Therese has to say about family relationships and view the list of all my blogging buddies. And make sure you visit Therese’s website to find out more about the author.
Ahh, family relationships. Wherever shall I start? Just kidding. Rough day.
I wanted to brainstorm a little about how freelance writing has affected our family life here at the Tapia household, especially because I get asked that question a lot over at Freelance Writing. There are both pros and cons, as is life.
1) Pro: I work whenever I want.
2) Con: I work after the kids go to bed.
3) Pro: My family income contribution is up to me.
4) Con: My family income contribution is sporadic.
5) Pro: My daughter sees me making a living at something that I enjoy.
6) Con: My daughter sees my career suck me dry at times.
7) Pro: I am available to my kids, their school and to volunteer in the community.
8) Con: See #2 above.
So, pretty equal overall, huh? Be sure to check out my post at on where I think I got my writing passion from, and don’t forget to visit WOW’s blog to see all the family bloggers today.