• Ok, Already, Ladies- Income Report

    My buddies over at Freelance Parent share their company’s income every month. I’ve deccided to share for this month, at least. Why? Because I think it presents a real picture of the freelance life- at least mine, anyway.

    This month I worked 75 hours. That’s about what full timers work in 2 weeks. I work, officially, 9a-3p, although it’s hardly ever a full out 6 hours (that would have been 120 hours this month). I brought in $3,103.18, which is approximately $41/hr.

    Am I happy with this number? You see, the income, I believe, is based on the two months before it comes in, as those are likely the months that the jobs were sought out and done (probably- though not all). So, considering that I worked less than 150 hours through the WHOLE of the summer, it’s ok. It would be unacceptable for any month October-May, though.

    Ok, now that my “but, but”‘s are out of the way, here’s where that money came from:

    $50 Downpayment on a book review (new client)

    $1380 Editoral management of a local magazine (established client, happens quarterly)

    $100 Pay for short article in niche magazine, regional, south (established client)

    $175 Remainder for press kit (established client)

    $897 Web content (established client)

    $500 Remainder for magazine article, regional, lifestyle, texas-based (established client)

    Five established clients, one new. Three print articles, one web contract, one editorial and one copywriting.




6 Responsesso far.

  1. lornadoone says:

    So, how do you feel now that you’ve posted it? I think your readers (like me) will find it fascinating!

  2. Tamara says:

    Oooh – I really like that you broke out how much you made for each job. We might have to “borrow” that idea for next time.

  3. […] decided to take a page from another brave freelancer’s first financial report and actually share dollar amounts this month. Hopefully, it will help everyone to see where and how […]

  4. Dana says:

    Hi Allena,
    Thanks so much for sharing.

    Between your post and The Berry-Brewer post I’m inspired to do my own earnings report this month. I think I’ll get working on that! 🙂

  5. jen brister says:

    Thanks for sharing this!

  6. Dan Reveal says:

    Another inspiring post! I like the concept of working regular hours.