• So, How Much Money Do You Really Make?

    I’m so proud of my friends over at Berry Brewer freelance, who met the question of earnings head on with no waffling.

    The money I make freelancing is directly and wholly dependent on how many hours I spend working per week. Whereas my husband can leave work early and make the same amount of money week in and week out, I cannot. On the other hand, my career is still the more flexible; give me a Blackberry and we’ll be fine.

    The Berry Brewer post reminded me of one thing though- the difference between billable hours and work hours. For example, as I am writing this post, I would consider this a work hour. However, I cannot bill it to anyone, as it’s simply a portion of my marketing efforts- a way for my clients to get to know me, to hear my voice.

    So when a freelancer tells you that they make an hourly wage of X, don’t think that they actually bill X- instead they probably bill Y- a much larger number which evens out necessary administrative tasks across the board.

5 Responsesso far.

  1. lornadoone says:

    Oh, Allena. You say stuff like this and I start to think that “Y” needs to be bigger. Ah, well. I’m pretty happy with what we’re doing right now. 🙂

  2. Allena says:

    Y should be bigger than X. I think sometimes that Y should be 2x.

    Wait, is this Algebra class? I’m getting confused.

    Caveat: this is a totally untested formula. I’m gonna jump on google and see what other freelancers think about bill versus salary hours.

  3. Allena says:

    Yeah, this post agrees that Y should be about 2X:


    But, like James C said in your post, it’s completely personal.

  4. Lindsay says:

    Oh, now I see why I never got into freelancing–there’s algebra involved!

    *ducks and hides from Xs and Ys*


  5. Could you email? I tried to find your contact info on here but didn’t see it and I haven’t seen you on Plurk today. I have a question. Thanks! 🙂