• New Daily Feature:

    Want to know how a freelancer gets jobs? Want to know what a WAHM day is like? Want to know how much I spend getting myself out there into the writing world?

    This new feature will focus on the daily grind of freelance writing. Things like scrounging and applying for jobs, the realities of freelance writing, and last but not least….money!!!! All the things you really want to ask, but don’t.

    Most days, I will post the following summary:

    Writing High

    Writing Low

    Money Out

    #Jobs Considered

    #Jobs Applied For

    #Jobs Received

    #Jobs Lost

    What I worked on today
    On my to-do list

2 Responsesso far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    what about money IN?

  2. Allena says:

    um, that’s a little private, but I understand. I wanted to know the same thing when I started out too. Well, I went live with my new website on Memorial Day Weekend. SInce then I have made $360 total. I have spent 73$, mostly on bank fees and my logo.

    Now that doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but I have one project that has to be done by June 30 for an ADDITIONAL $270, and one that has to be done by July 13 for an ADDITIONAL $1200. These two projects have taken up my entire two last weeks of June.

    So since I began, in a month and a half, about $1600. . .