• How To Beat the Competition and Get Those Freelance Writing Jobs!

    A million people seem to go for Anne Wayman’s jobs, Deb Ng’s jobs, Morning Coffee jobs, so I have a system that seems to work for me when I see something I realllllly want.

    1. First, I try to find those jobs before Anne and etc get them out. That is, I have my own list of bookmarks that I try to hit in a fairly regular pattern. That way, I get a jump start and have already combed through 50% of Deb’s jobs, etc.

    2. Try to apply for jobs ASAP. I have hired writers for various projects, and you get a barrage. It’s so overwhelming that I only read/considered/ about the first 30% of them. After the flood ended I’d already settled on 3-5 writers. So when the trickles came later in the day/week, they had to be REALLLLLLY good for me to even consider them. Also, they were being compared to the best of the best.

    3. Personalize a cover letter for EACH job!

    4. I don’t bother with follow up unless the job tugs at my heart. I do wonder about this part. Do you all follow up on jobs?

2 Responsesso far.

  1. Nomi says:

    I am just starting out in this freelance writing stuff – still unsure of what I’m doing but have found that some of your blogs/articles have some very helpful information. Just stopping by to say thanks!


  2. Allena says:

    Thanks Nomi. I was wondering if you had a website I could visit you at. I see you didn’t leave on when you commented. Also, don’t forget to take a look at http://www.freelancewrite.about.com, and let me know if you have any questions.