Good morning writers and bloggers. The freebie giveaway for March is “Best of Lonely Planet Travel Writing.” I reviewed this book for the Sacramento Book Review a couple months ago. I LOVED it. How do GWP’s book giveaways work? About once a month I post the title of a NEW book and ask a question. […]
Continue Reading... 10 Comments.Helloooooo fellow writers! I’ve got two books to giveaway this month- well, two of the same book. This month’s book is the Bylines Writers Calendar, and yours truly is featured the week of December 10, 2010. Fun fun! I like this book, because it is about organization and gives ideas specifically for writers. Want one? […]
Continue Reading... 28 Comments.I have a brand spanking new copy of “How To Write Your Book…GUARANTEED!!” that will be sent free to the winner. To enter, leave a comment–tell me what’s keeping you from writing your book (I can probably commiserate). Free free free, I even pay shipping. You will have to give me a mailing address via […]
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