• Mexico/Do You Miss Me?

    Benicio (age 6) playing soccer in the mountains of mid Mexico

    Benicio (age 6) playing soccer in the mountains of mid Mexico

    GardenWall Publications has wound down for my family’s biennial trip to Mexico, where I recharged my creative batteries.  Although we’re safely back home, GWP isn’t taking on any projects for the remainder of the summer. We’ll be ramping back up by revisiting goals in early September. 🙂 Namaste.


    PS: A short comment on American culture: How often are you exactly– exactly in the very spot you want to be- physically and mentally–and I mean exactly? When I’m home, when I’m working, even when I’m writing, which is my passion, the majority of the time I’m thinking of the next place I have to be, the next thing I have to do. There were two distinct instances in Mexico where I was exactly-but exactly- present, not thinking of past of future, but perfectly, perfectly present. That’s a feeling that comes only occasionally, but I am of great gratitude that I was there in those two moments.

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